Smart grids
Smart grids
BRESCIA SMART LIVING “Energy and integrated services for Welfare improvement”
Proposed by: University of Brescia; ENEA; Iperelle; Cauto Cantiere Autolimitazione; ITL; FGE Elettronica; Cavagna Group; STMicroelectronics s.r.l.; Beretta Group; Teamwire; A2A Spa
The project aims to combine the demand for innovation, safety, energy saving and services with the strategic choice to focus on "smart cities" centered on the active involvement of citizens in the management of the territory, of resources and of the environment, according to the pilot "A Resource-Efficient Europe", within the Europe 2020 Strategy, which has identified smart growth, sustainable growth and inclusive growth as engines of economic recovery. The project concept focuses on the concept of "smart district" deployed in all its aspects: energetic, functional and social. The most innovative aspect is related to the integration of different networks, such as energy networks and social networks.
ESPRESSO “Energy stations providing services for smart cities”
Proposed by: TERN; AP System Srl; ICT Consulting Spa; Telecom Italia S.p.A; Enel Ingegneria e Ricerca S.p.A.; Consorzio Ensiel; ENEA; Enel Sole Srl; Mac Srl; Polytechnic of Milan; Siemens S.p.A.; Selex ES S.p.A.; STMicroelectronics s.r.l.; ENEL Distribuzione; General Impianti SRL
The project will design an architecture in which the Secondary Substation (SSs) of the electricity grid becomes an hub of smart services, gathering data from sensors (electricity usage, public lighting, traffic, environment, etc.) and sharing them to provide smart city services for citizens. The project will also develop a multi-application platform able to provide set of basic functions for data aggregation, processing, and visualization, and some Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) for the development of applications by third parties.