(VELINO) Roma, 26 May - The Italian Cultural Institute in Madrid presents the Italian poet, translator and publisher Marco Giovenale and the poet and founder of the publishing house Sartoria Utopia, Francesca Genti, recently featured in the pages of Living - Corriere della Sera. The event, on 27 and 28 May, is part of the 12th POETAS event organised by Arrebato Libros and Matadero Madrid, which again coincides with the Feria del Libro de Madrid. FRANCESCA GENTI. She was born in Turin and lives in Milan and has published the poetry collections "Bimba Urbana" (Mazzoli, Premio Delfini, 2001), "Il vero amore non ha le nocciole" (Meridiano Zero, 2004), "Poesie d'��amore per ragazze kamikaze" (Purple Press, 2009), "L'��arancione mi ha salvato dalla malinconia" (Sartoria Utopia, 2014), the short story book "Il cuore delle stelle" (Coniglio Editore, 2007) and the novel "La Febbre" (Castelvecchi, 2011). In 2012 she founded the "publishing hut" Sartoria Utopia with Manuela Dago. MARCO GIOVENALE. Marco Giovenale lives in Rome, where he works as a freelance editor and translator. His poetry books include: "Shelter" (Donzelli, 2010), "In rebus" (Zona, 2012), Delvaux (Oe'dipus, 2013), "Maniera nera" (Aragno, 2015), Strettoie (Arcipelago Itaca, 2017) and "Anachromisms" (Ahsahta Press, 2014) in English. His writings are included in the anthologies "Parola plurale" (Sossella, 2005), "Nono quaderno di poesia contemporanea" (Marcos y Marcos, 2007), "Poesia degli anni Zero" (Ponte Sisto, 2011) and "Nuovi oggettivisti" (Loffredo, 2013). vel