Life and death of gladiators on show in Ottawa

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(AGI) Ottawa, June 16 - A profile of the life of gladiators,from what they ate to where they lived and died, is the themeof the exhibition entitled "Gladiators and the Colosseum -Death and Glory", which has been inaugurated at Ottawa'sCanadian War Museum. The exhibition is the fruit of thecollaboration between the museum and two Italian companies,Contemporanea Progetti and Expona. The show illustrates, alsothrough objects never before exhibited outside the Colosseum,the construction and the structure of the Flavian amphitheatre,as well as every aspect in the life of gladiators, from theirtraining to their diet, from their armours to their combattechniques. The Colosseum, one of Italy's most renownedmonuments, takes centre-stage in one of the Canadian capital'smost important museums, said the Italian Ambassador, GianLorenzo Cornado, recalling the interest shown by the Canadianpublic for classical antiquity. For his part, the president ofthe Canadian War Museum, Mark O'Neill, highlighted that Ottawais the exhibition's only stop in North America, in addition torepresenting one of the city's most important summer events. MrO'Neill also underscored the museum's effort in trying toattract the interest of students and their families, alsothrough special interactive itineraries offered on Sundayscalled "AwesomeColosseum". The inauguration, which was alsoattended by the museum's research director, Peter MacLeod, andthe director of the Colosseum and the exhibition curator,Rossella Rea, closed with a showing of the gladiators' combattechniques staged by Production Vinland, a company specialisedin the reproduction of historical conflicts. (AGI) . .
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