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(VELINO) Roma, 26 Nov - European ambassadors and the heads ofthe major Turkish economic organisations have met to discussthe state of EU-Turkey relations and consider the mostimportant issues of Turkey's accession to the European Union.The meeting has been organised by Italy as part of initiativespromoted in Turkey during the Italian presidency of theEuropean Union. The event was attended by the ItalianAmbassador to Turkey, Gianpaolo Scarante and other heads ofEuropean diplomatic missions, the presidents of the TurkishUnion of Chambers of Commerce and Bourses, Rifat Hisarcikliogluand of the Foundtion for Economic Development, Omer CihadVardan. There were also analysts and researchers from theTepav Foundation and numerous economic stakeholders. AmbassadorScarante underlined the importance of the enlargement processas a tool to promote peace and security in Europe, underliningItaly's commitment in supporting Turkey's accession to the EU -a major objective, both for Ankara and Brussels. Scarantehighlighted the main goals of the event, among which is theextension of the customs union and the liberalisation of visasfor Turkish citizens, hoping to organise, before the end of theItalia EU presidency, a panel for negotiations on the issue.The debate underlined the excellent economic relations betweenTurkey and the EU, characterised by major trade and growinginvestment opportunities, which have benefited from the customsunion agreements. vel.
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