Italian drama success in festivals across France

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(AGI) Paris, July 15 - Eleven readings of seven Italian authorsand eight performances by three Italian theatre companies willmake up the 5th edition of "Face a Face - Parole d'Italia perle scene di Francia 2013-2014", a programme promotingcontemporary Italian drama organised by the Italian CulturalInstitute in Paris. This event is supported by the ItalianMinistry for Cultural Heritage in partnership with Frenchtheatres and supported by the Maison Antoine Vitez, aninternational centre for the translation of plays. On thisoccasion, the event was divided into two parts: one held in theautumn of 2013 and the second in the spring of 2014, involvingsix theatres and festivals in six cities, such as the FestivalActoral of Marseilles, La Comedie - Centre Dramatique Nationalin Saint-Etienne, the Scene Nationale in Saint-Nazaire, theFestival Ring held by La Manufacture theatre in Nancy, the TRPnational theatre in Lyon and La Colline - National Theatre inParis. Eleven readings of seven different authors have beenheld over the year: Stefano Massini, Marco Martinelli,Francesca Garolla, Saverio La Ruina, Letizia Russo, MimmoBorelli and Fausto Paravidino. To these have been added eightperformances by three Italian theatre companies. Among them,Teatro Sotterraneo presented 'Be Legend!' in Nancy,Deflorian/Tagliarini appeared at La Colline national theatre inParis with 'Cose' and two performances of 'Reality' and 'Ce neandiamo per non darvi altre preoccupazioni', while LuciaCalamaro once again presented in Paris her spectacular success,'L'origine del mondo'. Organisers are already working on the6th edition, planning a first part with three events in Augustat Pont-a-Mousson, with the festival Mousson d'Ete, inSeptember in Marseilles, as always at the Festival actOral andin Paris at the Theatre Ouvert. (AGI). .
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