(VELINO) Roma, 24 May - The Italian Cultural Institute in Athens will host the launching of the Greek version of Pietro Maria Bardi's book 'Viaggi di architetti in Grecia' [Architects' journeys in Greece], on May 31 at 7:30 p.m. A renowned journalist and art critic, Pietro Maria Bardi is recognised for having accomplished, among other things, the project for the pavilion of the Civilta' Italiana at Rome's Universal Exhibition at the end of the 30s with Pietro Nervi. Mr Bardi migrated to South America at the end of World War II. In 1947, he set up the Museu de Arte in Sao Paulo, where he remained as a curator for 45 years. At the presentation of the book launch will be Andreas Giakoumakatos, university professor, and the translator of the book, the journalist Antonio Ferrari. vel