Chinese news agency Xinhua launches European app
Chinese news agency Xinhua launches European app

Chinese news agency Xinhua launches European app

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(AGI) Brussels, Sept 26 - China's Xinhua news agency haslaunched its new European news app for mobile phones and smartphones in Chinese and English, with French soon to follow.Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Regional Director General forXinhua Europe, Wang Chaowen, said the idea is to strengthenexchange and mutual understanding between China and Europe witha kind of "mobile encyclopaedia" of news and information. TheChinese agency, whose general app launched on June 11 andalready has one million subscribers, has a European network of150 journalists and 200 other employees coordinated from itsheadquarters in Brussels. Agi has a "very important" editorialcooperation agreement Xinhua, as Director Wang mentioned at thelaunch ceremony. The Italian news agency is involved in theimplementation of the European App, publishing its news in theChinese and English languages on the mobile phones of Xinhua'sEuropean and Chinese subscribers. The app will contain news,articles and pictures from Europe and China. (AGI) .