Tree of Democracy raised in Hong Kong as protests continue
Tree of Democracy raised in Hong Kong as protests continue

Tree of Democracy raised in Hong Kong as protests continue

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(AGI) Hong Kong, Oct 1 - Thousands of pro-democracy protesterstook to the streets of Hong Kong on Wednesday as Chinacelebrated its 65th National Day. Last month China agreed tointroduce a one-man, one-vote electoral system in the formerBritish colony, allowing the people of Hong Kong to elect theirleader for the first time. Under the proposed electoral reform,however, Beijing would decide which candidates are eligible. Asdemonstrators staged day five of protests, the territory'schief executive, Leung Chun-ying urged public support forelectoral reforms, arguing that "Universal suffrage is betterthan no suffrage at all." While Occupy Central supportersraised the "Tree of Democracy" in the city's Tim Mei Avenue,the civil disobedience movement's founder, Chan Kin-man, warnedthat protests would spread like "blossoming flowers". . .