Berlusconi urges Forza Italia to get down to business
Berlusconi urges Forza Italia to get down to business

Berlusconi urges Forza Italia to get down to business

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(AGI) Perugia, Sept 27 - In a telephone link to the Europa el'Italia che Vogliamo conference in Perugia, leader of thecentre-right Forza Italia (FI) party Silvio Berlusconi calledfor an end to organigrams and political offices. The party mustcontinue to concentrate on the needs of the Italians and of theelectorate, there was too much talk of backstage partydisputes, dissension and disagreement. Forza Italia was united,determined, and very much alive, and was preparing to return tobeing a protagonist on the Italian political stage. It was theother parties that were divided, he added. . .